Cooking with our influencers – Second LTL video

We are sending you to Shenaj’s kitchen, where she has a very special guest, Ivana Pavlović.

This one is for healthy food lovers. We are sending you to Shenaj’s kitchen, where she has a very special guest, Ivana Pavlović. You all remember our influencer Shenaj a person who loves cooking that started to share her healthy food recipes on her Instagram account after her daughter was born, and, Ivana, a very active blogger that tackles a lot of issues on her blog. Today while preparing some very delicious food, they will tell us how the two of them met, share some very interesting details about cooking, and finally what makes their profiles interesting to the audience from all communities.

So, if you are a person who loves healthy food and wants to know more about the ingredients that will make your food healthier even the cookies… then this is your video.

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